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Keep practicing
So happy to learn this pieces from Kusakabe sensei in Tokyo last year. Her ideas are always inspiring me! I am still keeping trial for...

Let go and go on!
Kits packaging for the 17th anniversary just finished. This is time for me back to designing track for new beading projects ^^

17th anniversary kits booth
Josebeads' 17 anniversary is coming on 7 May 2022! We will have 12 new kits to be launched on 7 May 2022 by online shopping. Thank you!

疫情下的日子過得特別快, 每天在家在店單單消毒清潔已用上不少時間😮💨 被清潔劑消毒到雙手好似老了幾年😓 乾老手⋯😣😣😣 但我會繼續努力用雙手做最好玩的beading、 彈最愛的鋼琴💕💪🏻💪🏻 今次做這手袋的black lace motif尤其興奮,...

Red ribbon Gamaguchi 👛
🥳じゃ!できたばかり! 終於完成這個大大的seed beads 口金包🥰

第一次鈎如此大size的口金包。 在推珠仔去線圈時, 曾經斷過線,後來再補線, 相信有鈎口金包的經驗, 你會明白我意思😅 但始終好想挑戰一下💪🏻👛 這個pattern是修改自草壁老師的設計, 難得老師和我都超愛紅色 所以以往跟她上課學習時,...

Beading from HOME
The highly transmissible Omicron variant of COVID-19 makes me always staying indoor. Beading is an enjoyable thing from home stay. Let's...

秋天的陽光特別可愛💕 珍惜時間努力做好每一件作品💪🏻

Trying wire work again.
It is a long time ago to do wire work with beads. I wanna try again and make it better.

The embroidery design of two new projects have been done 😊 One is coins bag, another is bangle. Next step is going to finish the metal...
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